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Revised on 02 | 12 | 2024

Smart  Portfolios

Portfolios that work for you,
not the other way around
Start investing
with the value of the portfolio
you have chosen

No Hidden Fees

All-in annual costs from 0.90%.
No entry or exit fees.

Simple and Flexible

Automatic rebalancing

and investment of new funds.

What’s a Smart Investment-Portfolio?


A smart investment portfolio is a well-structured collection of assets, such as stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, and other financial instruments, designed to help an investor achieve their financial goals while managing risk effectively. Here are key elements of a smart investment portfolio:


  1. Diversification: A smart portfolio diversifies investments across different asset classes and sectors to reduce risk. Diversification helps mitigate the impact of poor performance in any single investment.

  2. Risk Tolerance: It aligns with the investor's risk tolerance and financial objectives. Portfolios can be conservative, moderate, or aggressive based on an individual's willingness and ability to tolerate risk.

  3. Asset Allocation: Smart portfolios carefully allocate assets based on the market's objectives. For example, a long-term retirement portfolio might have a higher allocation to stocks, while a short-term savings portfolio might prioritize bonds and cash.

  4. Regular Monitoring: Investors regularly review their portfolios with us every Tuesday and Thursday as market conditions change or as they move toward their financial goals. The rebalancing ensures that the portfolio maintains its intended risk and return profile.

  5. Cost Efficiency: Minimizing fees and expenses is critical. Smart portfolios often include market indices to balance the load on the portfolios to ensure a stable balance.

  6. Long-term focus: Smart portfolios are usually designed with a long-term perspective e.g. 24 Months. There goal is to withstand market fluctuations and generate stable returns over time.


In summary: 

A smart investment portfolio is tailored to a person's financial situation and goals, with an emphasis on diversification, risk management and a long-term strategy (24 months) while keeping costs under control. It is a dynamic approach that evolves as the investor's circumstances change.



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